

for now…

My work centers around the fear of never being seen.

Two years ago I graduated from university and found myself in the brand new city of Dallas.

No connections, no family, no knowledge of the community. Unsure of how to rebuild. I wanted to feel welcomed and safe in discovering Dallas and what it had in store for me.

Before moving, I had my life lines on me at all times. My support circle was only minutes away. My partner, sharing the same bed as me. My closest friend, sleeping on the couch when he would visit for the weekend. Driving home to be with my family within an hour. Not having to count down the days until we are together again. Texts and social media were seen as casual communication, not as the sole form of connection.

Being at home is a moment in time I wish I could freeze and keep forever. It was the first place I felt seen, and I did not want to lose it.

As I grew older, this need for my independence, building a name for myself outside of my home & insistence of pursuing greatness took over. I could conquer the world with only me, myself, and I. Nothing could stop me. Never accounting for the grief I would experience in leaving the only people who ever saw me, and how that heaviness would close me off from finding that connection again.

My partner and I are tying to rebuild a home with the pieces we have left. Every trinket, sculpture, toy, and piece of clothing we display in our home tether us back with the people we loss, and the stories of those memories. The objects become as familial as our own bodies. A red jacket reminiscent of the smothering of blankets at my Welas house. Worn socks reminiscent of the the stubbornness of our fathers who can not let them go. Patterned carpet reminiscent of a tapestry hung up in my parents house, brought back from deployment. Blue, white, and grey hues of the walls reminiscent of the sunrise in my parents room every day.

I will find new people who see me, and gather them on this journey of growth if they want to come along. Allowing Dallas to become the safe and welcoming space I have always wanted. Slowly grieving the greatest transition of our lives so far, but not letting it stop us from creating new moments of happiness in the process. Tethering us to this new home.